A downloadable game

The city has cracked. Its citizens writhe in the chasm of poverty, and the only thing dirtier than the river that once fueled its settlers are the politics that run it now.
This place and its people used to have life. Greenhill was a beacon for modern medicinal technology during the second world war. One scandal too many saw its doctors and its surgeons find residency elsewhere. Death haunts these halls. It stalks these streets, and ignoring it won’t send it away, despite all our best wishes.
This city and its people used to have dreams. Now, they don’t sleep easily. They rattle gates, and they burn molotovs, and they bare teeth. They picket and they protest. It doesn’t stop the big man, big business, from using little one as a cushion. Little one writhes and suffocates beneath.
This city and its people used to have dreams.
And, somewhere, deep, deep in their listless slumber they still do.

What’s yours?

Your story starts at a checkpoint - one of four that bar entry into and out of the city - but your reasons for being here are your own.
Are you here to bring order to the chaos as a hand of the police?
Are you here to dictate the death of a city for future generations as a journalist?
Or does a more vague instance call you here - family? Opportunity? Lack of luck?

Three distinct arcs dictate the fall of this place that you will come to know intimately over the course of a year. Learn its past, and you may be able to secure its future.

It’s not all bad

Buy a house, rent an apartment. Adopt a pet. Grow a plant. Pay your bills. Eat out, dine in, but keep yourself fed. See concerts. Meet the many unique residents living alongside you, and experience their unique stories as they grow and intertwine with your own throughout the changing seasons.

Because you won’t be in it alone.

Five primary companions find themselves in orbit around your own personal story, each in different roles, determinant upon how you exist in their world. This primary cast is supplemented by an equally developed roster of secondary characters - every person you meet in The City has their own life being led. Romance, rivalry, and friendship abound.

What This Game Is:

A modern day RPG focused entirely on its story and atmosphere which occupies the setting of a living, breathing city filled with unique characters.

A reactive gameplay experience. Your story is uniquely tailored to you, and the city and its inhabitants will respond to your choices.

What This Game Isn’t:

A sprawling fantasy epic. The City focuses intimately on a single, relatively mundane setting. The game boasts elements of a psychological thriller, but ultimately remains grounded in our own reality.

A power fantasy. Your decisions will affect your own story, but you will not be able to directly control the decisions of NPCs. The strength of bonds formed may make certain characters easier to persuade or dissuade from certain courses of actions, but the player character is far from the only variable feeding into the decisions other characters make. Even when a direct decision is presented to the player, the power of choice and the results of its execution aren’t always pleasant things to witness - and sometimes, these things are a long time coming.